Biggest Contributors to Cancer and Critical Illnesses
| Sep102010Well its almost no secret to start from the beginning from things we already know. Sound mind body and soul/spirit.
A little deeper how about Diet, exercise and rest/sleep.
Further? Smoking, Obesity, Stress, Diabetes
Result is sometimes linked to the fact of heritage and plainly if it runs in the family. One of the questions for critical illness may be did your parent father or mother or siblings ever get diagnosed with heart attack, strokes, cancer, etc before the age of 60? It is rare to ask and sometimes not even a factor. However guess what is yes SMOKING or tobacco usage. Prices can nearly double or benefits be halved! No not always but it is a big factor and for a good reason.

Smoking causes Cancer and critical illnesses
Over weight well that as we know is not as healthy and we Americans are, well we love our food. We have more buffets and fast foods and biggie sizes, deep fried fats, mayos trans-fats sugars preservatives and convenience foods,(etc.) than anybody out there. It is simply a huge cause of heart attacks, clogged arteries etc. We are gluttons of the “I live to eat” instead of eating to live.
Pressure in a volcano, is a dangerous awaiting devastation. A bottle of champagne is a buildup, but stress in our lives…more like a volcano with bad after affects? We have more stress than ever before with the unemployment, the poor economy, people moving back home to save money any which way we can, stocks down , are saving are spent, our retirements lost, businesses out of business, health care reform nearly wiped out some carriers, technology is fast moving but meanwhile all this causes stress. We cant even have insurance to go see a doctor to have a physical or tests. Testing is expensive but so what if it is your body you need to take care of it.
Preventative is the answer BUT prevention is only so good since we all aren’t following that you need to at least be Proactive in protection.
Get a critical illness policy it is so cheap and so affordable that you simply can not afford to go without. Cancer Policies and critical illness policies are different so do some checking out.
Feel free to make comments here. To get a quick quote on Critical illness or cancer insurance click the quote button. Stay healthy for you and for your family and loved ones.