First Young Girl with Terminal Cancer
| Aug312010Cancer knows no age and doesn’t discriminate!
The first girl I personally have met diagnosed was this year. All of about twenty six years old (26) thin, tight skinned hard to move and best of spirits. She was a friend of a friend, hanging at a party I wondered what was wrong with her since she needed help getting our of her chair. Even walking it seemed difficult. She had cancer and she was terminal. She had trouble because her skin was such like tight rubber and couldn’t even expand her arm out due to it. She showed me a picture of her in school last year … she was quite a full figured girl I wouldn’t have guessed it by her appearance now.
At 40 years old, it’s hard to understand why, at 26… I cant fathom. It is not just her but she is truly the first I’ve met personally. So worse yet you can imagine, (maybe) what it would be like to be a child in your teens, or worse yet, before your teens. Bless Make-a-Wish foundation.
Children with cancer it is not what you may think… it’s often worse. What fear runs through them, the spirit often lost, the innocence lost and the maturity to deal and the courage to continue on…Wow.
I asked curiously, even mad “why don’t you just take a trip around the world?” That we both knew the answer to and she said, “Money”. One word explains the difference between living out dreams and fantasies or getting the finest treatments or being able to do something you’ve always wanted to do without worry of looking at the account. Most Cancer can actually be beaten. It is wellness testing and early detecting that is winning the war, prevention is better than cure. Get covered is the bottom line.
To this one girl, to all the younger, to all those that have dealt directly or indirectly and have been effected…this site is for you.
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