Critical illness sometime referred to as critical care. Therefore critical care insurance vs. critical illness insurance. If getting a critical illness is of a concern, it should be. You’ll need critical care insurance in place.
Since there are many options available, there are with the need increasing for these plans, now more and more carriers introducing plans and more and more plans available.
With more than 600,000 critical illness policies sold in the U.S. we are still in our infancy. With a high demand for this coverage will come more competition especially during the health care reform act signed into law. Make no mistake, as higher prices on private health insurance near in September 2010 so will CI Insurance become more of a need. With more carriers offering it is really BEST that you get a critical care policy or critical illness insurance policy OUTSIDE from your health insurance carrier.
To qualify these are the basics for qualification; age, geographic area, medical conditions existing and job, height and weight being fairly lenient. Conditions are so gauged that as long as you didn’t have a critical illness already or something close related you can qualify. Price is not rated up on premium, it is either accepted or not usually. If you had an open heart surgery, you wouldnt qualify since it pays upon FIRST diagnosis, however, have no fear as guaranteed issue critical illness insurance is here (or forth coming in September 2010! as stand alone association plans)
HOWEVER BEWARE TIP! Make certain that the association is listed and able to sell that insurance plan and check with your state DOI -Department of Insurance. Some plans sound really great and your so happy to have been accepted do the due diligence, you will always have a free look period of 10-30 days.
For those with conditions that had already a deny, or ht wt issue, don’t worry. Careful though with guarantee acceptance plans that say guaranteed issue or guarantee acceptance. Recommendation Contact the Actual Guarantee Acceptance insurance company itself 1-561-210-5822. Guarantee Acceptance carries both guarantee acceptance critical care and underwritten critical care insurance plans. They will be able to assist you with best critical care insurance plans saving you a lot of time and headache.
Most critical care insurance carriers will cover you if you are between the ages of 18-70 but usually must acquire the critical illness coverage prior to age 65. Thereafter it is usually guaranteed renewable until the age 65 but can be converted to a whole life policy simply to keep the benefits of a life insurance policy. You can take out a critical illness insurance policy to cover you for any length of time you choose.