Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
The origins of Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (MetLife) go back to 1863, when a group of New York City businessmen raised $100,000 to found the National Union Life and Limb Insurance Company. The new company insured Civil war sailors and soldiers against disabilities due to wartime wounds, accidents, and sickness. In 1868, after several reorganizations and five difficult years, the company decided to focus on the life insurance business. A new company was chartered to sell “ordinary” insurance to the middle class.
MetLife is arguably one of the, if not The largest Life insurer in the United States, with more than $3.3 trillion of life insurance in force. A leader in savings and retirement products and services for individuals, small business, and large institutions, MetLife serves 90 of the largest Fortune 100 companies.
The company is headquartered in Manhattan Ny though it retains some executive offices and its board room in the MetLife Building, which it sold in 2005.
Beginning in the 1930s, the company broadened its tradition of public service from promoting individual health to fostering national social and economic goals. In 1930, MetLife was the undisputed leader of the insurance industry, insuring every fifth man, woman, and child or 20% total in the United States and Canada. On the way it supported the country and the community in many ways.
MetLife serves group benefit products and Individual benefit products. International segment serves these products to groups and individual in the Asia/Pacific region, Europe, and Latin America. The company’s reinsurance business operates as Reinsurance Group of America, but serves customers around the world. The reinsurance business was spun off in 2008-2009 in a limited IPO for RGA.

MetLife Critical illness insurance coverage
MetLife has offered their critical illness insurance plan to the market and is having success by offering a top quality product. MetLife critical illness insurance is only offered as of this date by paper application. The best way and more updated way is submission electronically also known as an e-application. This should be changing in the near future but for now contact us to get your application sent out. First thing is first, and that is to get a quote and the product that you like, that critical illness cover yourself, and or family, with your custom needs.